Hi, I’m Simon

I’m passionate about Information Security and Hacking. This write up will focus on how I setup the home research lab that I use to practice and advance my skills. I will start by covering the installation of Ubuntu on a disused Mac Mini 1TB server that I had sitting around. I will then take you through my process for installing Webmin, Docker & Portainer to be able to use the server in a headless setup while conveniently managing it through web a Graphical User Interface or GUI for short.

Lets begin!

Research Lab Infrastructure:

Ubuntu Server 20.04.3

Webmin 1.981

Docker 20.10.7

Portainer 2.9.1

Setting it all up:

Start with the Ubuntu Server

Next install and setup the Webmin GUI 

Third step is to install and setup Docker

The final step is to install and setup the Portainer GUI

    --restart=always \

    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \

    -v portainer_data:/data \


This concludes my write up, if you have questions about any of the steps please feel free to contact me using the information below.